• recognizing the relevance of the environmental agenda for each of the participating countries, reaffirming our commitment to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals set forth in the United Nations 2030 Agenda.
• noting with serious concern the possible consequences of environmental problems, such as environmental pollution, depletion of natural resources, global climate change, loss of biodiversity, clean water shortage, air pollution, etc.
• acknowledging the importance of joining efforts to implement measures and actions aimed at preserving and improving the state of the natural environment.
• emphasizing the priority of actions for protecting the environment, combating climate change, preserving biodiversity, developing regulatory frameworks for the environmental sector, preventing environmental pollution, fostering local expert communities, and increasing environmental literacy.
• recognizing the importance of the principles of ecological lifestyle, formation of ecological thinking in the young generation and development of the culture of frugality.
• focusing on the need for quality training of environmental personnel all over the world.
• noting the need to consolidate the efforts of the world community for joint solutions, including those related to climate change, to environmental issues and the creation of environmentally friendly and comfortable living conditions for citizens in the countries of the world.
• welcoming the integrated development of eco-entrepreneurship in various directions and formats.
• Highlighting the advisability of supporting eco-volunteer and eco-social initiatives in various countries.
– to form a community of eco-leaders, participants and authors of successfully implemented environmental projects in the format of the International Ecological Club.
– to facilitate the exchange of best practices and useful initiatives in the field of environment, including the formation of a database of the best initiatives and authors ready to share their practical experience.
– to create a unified information space for open dialogue on environmental issues.
– to enhance environmental consciousness through collective efforts.
– to disseminate best practices across international platforms.
– to foster local activism and enhance support mechanisms for ecological project initiatives among community participants.
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